Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Of Faerie, Theology, Philosophy, and Literature - Post 2

     I know that the idea that faerie is real is a bit of a stretch for most.  In my studies of science, that I love, and other studies to the modern mind faerie seems a far fetched concept.  Despite this I am going to explore the idea anyway because in my studies I have found it makes perfect sense.  Science by the discovery of the Higgs Boson and the Higgs field have already laid the ground work for other worlds to exist.  More important than the scientific argument is the philosophical argument that is historically important to understanding all this.
     Across literature there has been excellent cases for both sides of an age old argument.  Is beauty at odds with truth?  Is beauty merely the sugar coating for something more sinister.  Now historically this applied to any work that was not non fiction.  In particular poetry took a heavy beating in being deceptive.  Others argued that they were not at odds but were amplifiers of each other.  Beauty was the way to tell people what they really needed to know without throwing the philosophical principles in their face.  You see this in theology as well, that is what parables do.  Now the two sides may dicker back and forth because they come from one view.  A man will look at a piece of literature and base his decision on weather it is true or false purely on its beauty.  That is probably foolish, at least to the modern mind.  I think that if a person does not expect beauty to be true or false any deception will make itself clear and all that will be left is the truth augmented and relatable.  In short you base your decision on content not beauty.
     Lets think of it this way C.S. Lewis gives a good example of this concept.  As a child you read school stories and fairy tales.  You don't expect the world to be like the fairy tales you expect it to be like the school stories.  What it turns out to be is that school is very different from the school stories and the fairy tales were more honest about life.  I guess more clearly stated you find out what is true not through stories so much as you do by experience.  Your experience brings out the points in the stories that are true.

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